Monday, October 20, 2008

Election 2008 - The Prelude

John McCain or Barack Obama? Americans will soon be making that decision at the ballot. All elections are important. We will be electing the first new president in the post 9-11 America. What's going to happen? What does this mean for America?

I generally refer to myself as a Republican, but this is a very broad generalization. In actuality, I am an Independent, but I could probably be placed within the confines of four boundaries: Traditional American Conservative, Libertarian, Centrist, and Republican Populist. Obviously, my ideology aligns with Senator McCain much more closely than Senator Obama. As such, I will be casting a ballot for him in a few weeks' time. However, I think most republicans agree that this election is not ours to win.

I agree with most of the ideology the McCain campaign has been preaching. I agree with major cuts in government spending, eliminating pork spending, capital gains tax cuts (I prefer an elimination, but that's another story - the FairTax), finishing what we started in Iraq and Afghanistan, tapping into our energy sources AND investing in alternative sources of energy, and many other ideologies that fall comfortably into the GOP platform. I also hailed the selection of Governor Sarah Palin as Senator McCain's running mate; Governor Palin has been close to my heart since I donated to her gubernatorial campaign in 2006. In my eyes, she is the exact kind of person that is going to reform the Grand Ole Party.

Which brings me to my agenda. I personally have resigned the Presidential Race. I will cast my ballot, and hope Virginia stays Red, but my hopes are pretty much shattered. The Republican Party has acted like liberals for the second Bush term and completely failed its constituents that gave it the White House for a second term and a wider Congressional majority. Is George Bush to blame? Partly. But so is the current and past GOP leadership that ripped off the American taxpayers with wasteful pork barrel spending and other reckless endeavors. We deserved to lose in 2006. We deserve to lose this coming election. It is going to be a wakeup call for the GOP.

We will have two years to get our act together and start embracing the principles we preach. We need to cut wasteful spending. We need to cut taxes. We need to make it easier for small businesses to operate - and I am confident we can win that battle after Barack Obama's promised tax increases that will inevitably hurt small businesses. We need to drill for our own oil and stop subsidizing Arab nations. We need to plan for our future without oil. We need to eliminate the reckless programmes that have put our economy into financial dismay. These conservative principles is what wins elections. We are not embracing them. When we spend $700 billion to bailout Wall Street, lining the pockets of wealthy CEOs, we lose elections. When we let Congressional Nazis like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, and lonesharks like Franklin Raines get away with embezzlement, we lose elections. To top it all off, even when we have a presidential candidate that adheres, for the most part, to the principles that win elections, we do a crap job at making our voices heard, and we resign the election to the opposing party. Republicans don't know how to campaign, and we often don't know how to stay consistent.

For the next two years, I will be working on the following:

-Helping to expose the treacherous deeds of those who caused the financial crisis. I will expose people in both parties, and elaborate exactly who is to blame, and why.
-Campaigning against Congressional representatives who put their names on pork bills, no matter what party.
-Campaigning against the current GOP leadership in the Congress. I would love to see Mike Pence, Jeff Flake, Marsha Blackburn or other principled Republicans to take the Leadership positions in the house. Likewise, I would love to see Jon Kyl, Jim DeMint, or Tom Coburn take the same positions in the Senate.
-Grassroots work for the FairTax.

And, hopefully, by 2012, we will be ready to put up a viable candidate against future-President Barack Obama. Ideas? Mike Huckabee. Sarah Palin. Mike Pence. Rudy Giuliani. (among others).

I will also be in prayer for the nation, and for the world. It took four years of Carter to bring Reagan to the White House. Let's just hope four years of Obama is not going to be even more tragic.

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