Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Westboro Baptist Church

The Westboro Baptist Church Visits Hampton Roads

The most hated family in America is now making its way to the area to protest the military. The Westboro Baptist Church is a radical group from Topeka, Kansas, not associated with any mainstream Baptist Church. Its founder, Fred Phelps, and its members preach a hate theology aimed at gays, Catholics, Swedes, Americans, Moslems, Jews, and everyone except for themselves. The Westboro Baptist Church has roughly seventy members, and most of them are related to Phelps by blood, marriage, or both. They are notorious for picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers and AIDS victims. It has been a long time coming, but now these sick individuals are bringing their cloud of filth and songs of ‘God Hates the World’ to Virginia.

No matter where one falls on the political spectrum, this group should undoubtedly be despised by every American. They claim that because you are an American, you are going to Hell, for a variety of theologically-twisted reasons. I had the opportunity to listen in, via speakerphone, to a conversation my friend had with Shirley Phelps-Roper during their picketing of a soldiers’ funeral in Pittsburgh last week. It is really disgusting what they preach. When Shirley was questioned about her beliefs, she answered, “If your parents did not teach you about the hate your Lord our God has then it is not my problem”. When questioned further about the hateful nature of her beliefs, she answered very loudly, “Are you accusing me of spreading hate to my children”, to which my friend answered “Yes”. After that, Shirley absentmindedly broke into a chorus of “God Hates the World”.

At the Pittsburgh picketing, those present were Shirely, her older daughter Megan Phelps-Roper, and an unidentified young boy, about 8 years old. Shirley has confirmed that she will be going to all of the picketing stops in Virginia, including Yorktown on December 3. Ideally, I would love to see a large flock of students to go there and show them how much they are not welcome.

While in Pittsburgh, not only were they protesting the funeral of a fallen soldier, but they were also protesting the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Melon University, which they claim are spreading the wrath of God. Although I think it unlikely they would make it alive to our campus, there still lies that possibility that after a few hours in Yorktown, they might decide to take a trip a few miles up the road to get attention from the College. It enrages me that they even have the audacity to come to this area, so I ask the community to stand together. Whether gay or straight, religious or atheist, American or international, these people are an enemy to society, and they need to be shown just what we think of them. I will be going to Yorktown to counter-protest the Westboro Baptist Church. I plan to interview Shirley Phelps-Roper and catch her in a web of lies, just as was done in Pittsburgh. If you need more convincing to join me, just visit and indulge in hate ideology.

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