Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a load of ballocks these two weeks have been!

The events of the last few weeks have made my life interesting to say the least:

Gene Nichol. The Board of Visitors decides not to renew his contract - essentially sacking him. The school erupts in disarray and strike. Why does this happen? Well, I believe the large claim is because Nichol was a maverick for First Amendment Rights and diversity - (the two biggest instances being the removal of the Cross from the Wren building and allowing the Sex Workers' Art Show to appear on campus twice). Be that as it may, I still must wonder - how is this relevant? The President of the College has a specific job - to handle the short term and long term financial well being and progress of the school. From the way I see it objectively, Gene Nichol was more concerned with making political decisions than the financial well being of the College. Prime example - Removing the Cross from the Wren building with full knowledge that he would lose a pledged $15 million donation (then lying about it) and also with the knowledge that it would bring unnecessary attention onto the school. Many people see the removal of the Cross as an end to a tradition of theocracy. I disagree. The cross was in a chapel. Those offended by the Cross had every right to ignore it or not use the chapel, but, rather, go someplace else to worship. The school was in no way sponsoring religion - no funding went to the Anglican Church to conduct any services rallying around this cross. It was just a bloody cross that was there, not hurting anyone. And, I feel that it was irresponsible for Mr Nichol to remove the cross, knowing the drama it would cause with alumni. He wasn't looking out for the financial well-being of the College, and that would certainly be cause for not renewing his contract. He seems like a nice enough guy, but perhaps the presidency isn't exactly the right position for him.

Cuba. Fidel Castro steps down. I am, obviously, ecstatic about this. I have suspected him dead for awhile. Those who know me know my very high ambition of taking over Cuba by means of the American dollar. Now that the Cold War is long over, I think that the U.S. Government should end the embargo and allow American tourism to commence. We need to allow big money to go into Cuba and open up hotels to compete with the myriad of Canadian, Spanish, and German ones already there. Furthermore, we need to bribe the Cuban government. Although it is against American policy to appease such a government, I'd consider it an investment. The Cuban government needs to end its monopoly on the Tobacco and Rum industries and allow Americans to invest in these companies. I'll be the first to admit, I go to Canada annually to smuggle cigars across the border, and I know many people who would be overjoyed to buy these products LEGALLY. Basically, it would be mutually beneficial for the Cubans and the Americans to open up free trade. Communism would become obsolete as the American dollar penetrates into Cuba. Everyone wins - our dollar will become more valuable, jobs would open up, and the Cubans, for once, would be allowed to have some money.

Big Brother. I love this show, and it's becoming incredibly interesting. I love the fights. I love the drama. I am a sadistic bastard, and I know it! More to come!

John McCain. He's going to be my party's nominee for the Presidency. I am not so thrilled about this, but I have surrendered to the fact that I will be voting for him (and, depending on who the VP candidate is, I may be holding my nose). I want to see John McCain do one thing before I become enthusiastic - and Fred Thompson at least managed to do this - Mr McCain needs to admit that McCain-Feingold was a mistake and a huge infringement against the First Amendment. If he swallows his pride and admits his mistake, then he will have a maverick campaigner on his team. I also hope he selects a good VP candidate. Ideas? J.C. Watts. Mike Huckabee. Hailey Barbour. Michael Steele. John Linder. Connie Mack. We shall see. Please, Mr McCain, pick a true conservative so that you can unite the base!

Midterm Exams. So for ghey.

Marion Cottilard. I think she's gonna win the Oscars now, but it's way to late to change my prediction sheet. Alas.

The Oscars. My second most favourite day of the year. Sunday! WOOT!

And I think that's all I have to say. So, goodbye for now!

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